Friday, March 14, 2008

Welcome home

I read a news item recently about pandit families moving into government apartments. It is a good news because some of the pandit families can think of returning back to their homeland. Welcome home!.

However, it is not the same as living earlier when muslims and pandits lived in the same neighborhoods and shared similar experiences "Power waer", " mood swings during an India-Pakistan cricket match (in opposite directions)" etc. Living in Pandit only apartment complex might still keep them away from their roots. This time they will be close to their land but still far from home. I can understand the logic behind these apartments. They have been away for so long. Kashmir has changed. it might take some time for pandits as well as muslims of Kashmir to get aquainted with each other all over again.

At some point in future they will have to move out and become part of real Kashmir. The coexistence is very important for a healthy society. It helps each community to grow. Everyone has something to offer to others and we could learn from each other.

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