Wednesday, January 16, 2008

All jumbled

When I look at Kashmir today it looks all jumbled up, to me. I tend to compare life here in Fort Collins with that in Kashmir. It seems we have the same needs in Kashmir as the people in this country. I take a look at the management here and wonder why is it so different in my home. In this town if I want to go to play golf ( just an example), I can go ahead pay for my rentals and the time spent in the golf course and that is it. It might cost me $10 which is the same as a person would earn in an hour. So easy. Kashmir has golf courses too but how accessible are they for a student like myself. I can go to any park here and use one of the tennis courts to play for as long as I want. I don't pay anything for using that space. Why is it so impossible for something like this to happen in Kashmir. One reason I feel could be because some of my tax dollars that I pay everyday here are used to build these places and made accessible to everyone.
In Kashmir people wouldn't either pay their taxes or when they pay it would be used by some corrupt officials to make themselves richer.
Everything seems so inaccessible in Kashmir unless you are either an officer in the civil administration or some police officer or very rich and have connections. GOD, you need connection even to visit a wild life sanctuary. You could have allowed us to go to these parks and we could pay for the entry to these parks . This money could be used for the maintenance of the animals there and the parks. Countries don't become rich or great by complicated processes but by simple steps which are people friendly.


Suhail Rashid Bhat said...

many of the issues mentioned in the post are not just specific to Kashmir .. they are common to much of the non-first world.. perhaps answers lie in evaluating how and why different parts of the world have evolved so differently especially over the last few centuries.

Imran U Tak said...

Kashmir has set a world record.
A Politician (MLA) had to pay bribe to a Minsiter to get his job done... Its highest level of Corruption.. what about common man there.. God Save Us

Anonymous said...

Dear Webmaster, Ms Usha Deshpande Content Head of IndoGlobal Mass Media would like you and all Kashmiri boys, girls, ladies and men to get in touch immediately. We are planning to make some programmes on Kashmir. Usha Deshpande's mail id is her cell number is 9326019195Warm thanks and i got your contact from the internet. Gauri .