Monday, December 17, 2007

Yes - how long?

I first decided to comment on Nayeem's recent post. But later, i realized this was better off a post than a comment. All of us have been in the same situation, trying to figure after all when is it going to end? When will we breathe free? When will we see light at the end of the tunnel? But to be honest, when Allah says in the Quran, " 13:11 …. Verily, God does not change people’s condition unless they change their inner selves" i always think of kashmiris, as if this verse has been cut out for kashmiris - yes me, you - us. We are talking about young ones losing lives - how often have we seen the relatives and parents of the same young ones sell the blood of that martyr for loose change. We talk about the system, even a death certificate cannot be made unless someone is bribed. We talk about morality, and how do our own sisters go out from our own houses. We talk about equality, when has a kashmiri grown out of caste system? We talk about Islam, what is it that is practiced in astaans? We talk about law, who pays the electric bill on time, heck who even pays it. We talk about our kashmir, who destroyed the Dal and the forest cover? We talk about atrocities, ask the lady in pain why she can't get the anesthesia and then look that guy in the eye, who sold it even before it reached the hospital. We talk about being fair, remember the price you had to pay for the chicken just half hour after the highway closed down? We talk about education, visit the professor of a government college, visit him not in the college, oh but visit him at his house where he is teaching private tuitions. We talk about care, look at the white coat of a doctor who is at his private clinic and not in the village he is supposed to be, and you will see the coat is not white anymore. We talk about work, try walking on the bridge that the engineer built, alas the bridge is but a few strokes of ink. We talk about economy, look in the heart of a guy, who applied for a bank loan, without an intention of ever paying it back. We talk about honesty, wait... what does that mean again?


Aamir said...

Please correct me if I am wrong.
When you say that all of us wonder when will all this end?, i think you mean that when we will have freedom from occupation and torture by gun weilders in any form.

Then you go on to quote the Quran with the saying " 13:11 …. Verily, God does not change people’s condition unless they change their inner selves" and substantiating it with examples of facts.

I feel that these are two seperate issues.The first one is oppression by outside forces and the second one is about us as a people.To me , if we combine the two it would mean that the punishment for selling chicken costlier in times of lack or going to an astan could be a bullet.

Whatever our level of morality or practice, who gives any outsider the authority to be the judge and the executioner.

فيصل ابن فاروق الكشميرى said...

Aamir i think you are forgetting something - no actually everything. History is the witness that whenever people forget ethics, morals and honesty, whenver corruption, mischief and lies are widespread, people have been punished - either by natural forces OR by outsiders - in short punishment has come. Did you forget Rome? Did you forget the children of Israel? Did you forget Spain? Did you forget Istanbul? Did you forget India? Did you forget Delhi?

Suhail Rashid Bhat said...

History also shows that all cultures/peoples/nations/civilizations that rose at one point in time, declined at a later time. What does this show?